Textile is one of the markup languages supported by Awestruct. This extension doesn't add support for textile, but rather extends the behavior of Textile itself.
The implementation that Awestruct uses is RedCloth. It's possible to customize Textile using RedCloth in two ways:
Let's look at the two cases.
To define block tags, you simply add an Awestruct extension that overrides the RedCloth HTML formatter. Here's an example of how to define a custom tag for vimeo:
module RedCloth::Formatters::HTML
def vimeo(opts)
clip_id, dim = opts[:text].split(' ').map! {|s| s.strip}
dim_attrs = ''
if dim
# x is transformed by × by textile
w, h = dim.split('×')
w, h = ["800", "600"]
dim_attrs = " width=\"\#{w}\" height=\"\#{h}\""
"<iframe\#{pba(opts)}\#{dim_attrs} src=\"http://player.vimeo.com/video/\#{clip_id}?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen=\"webkitallowfullscreen\" mozallowfullscreen=\"mozallowfullscreen\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe>"
You need to require the file with this code in _ext/pipeline.rb
Markup is filtered using rule methods. Custom rule methods are passed to the to_html
method of the RedCloth object. Awestruct will read in the method names defined by site.textile_rules
, convert them to symbols (if they aren't already), and pass them to this method.
The functions must be included into the RedCloth class using an Awestruct Extension. For example:
module Awestruct::Extensions
class TextilePlus
def initialize()
RedCloth.send(:include, CustomRules)
module CustomRules
def emoticons(text)
# replace emoticons in text
You can either set site.textile_rules
inside the extension, or in _config/site.yml
. Here's an example of using site.yml (where the methods are defined as strings):
textile_rules = [emoticons]
Here's an example of registering them in the extension (where the methods are defined as symbols):
def execute(site)
site.textile_rules = [:emoticons]
You then initialize the extension in your pipeline:
extension Awestruct::Extensions::TextilePlus.new()
Now you can use your custom markup and tags.
Awestruct::Extensions::Pipeline.new do
extension MyCustomExtension.new()