Awestruct 0.2.2 Lives

Thanks to recent interest from Torsten Curdt, Emmanuel Bernard and others in the community, activity around Awestruct has increased as of late.

Emmanuel gives us the Flattr extension, plus a really nice blog post.

Torsten gives us RDiscount for Markdown instead of Bluecloth. Holler if it breaks your stuff.

Anyhow, check out v0.2.2.

gem install awestruct

Awestruct 0.1.1 Released

I've just pushed the 0.1.1 version of the Awestruct gem to RubyGems.

This release brings about quite a few new extensions (see sidebar), plus the ability to base many sites of the same skin, including pipelines, pages and layouts.

Awestruct 0.0.6 Released

I've just pushed the 0.0.6 version of the Awestruct gem to RubyGems.

This includes updates to the baseline Compass, Haml and Sass used by the tool.

Additionally, it adds support for Org-Mode.
