Awestruct 0.5.6 Released

It’s been a while since we’ve done a release announcement, I’m sorry.

We’ve just released Awestruct 0.5.6! Thank you everyone who has helped not only this release, but also the previous ones as well, we really do appreciate the community and the help!

You can see the full log at Milestone 0.5.6. For those interested in the actual commit history, it can be found at GitHub.

There were 28 bugs squashed in this release, 7 in 0.5.5, 58 in 0.5.4, and 1 in 0.5.3 for a grand total of 94 bugs squashed in the past two years! You can see all the issues fixed by looking at the different milestones.


Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Awestruct and those of you who use it, help others to use it and/or evangelize the technology. We’re honored to have you as part of the community!

Now go create awesome sites!